Ini cuma cerita, You may read it, You may not, yang pasti Aku cuma punya cerita

28 March 2007

‘KATE MOSS-sssss’

Scanning through Oxford dictionary:
[Kate Moss]
Not Found

Well it seems that I am looking through the wrong type of dictionary.Hehehe. I admit that it was quite stupid of me, thinking that I would find any definition of Kate Moss from an Oxford dictionary (just because she’s English…so I beg you pardon). Instead, I might try “Fashion Big Dictionary” a.k.a FASHION MAGAZINES (hei..for some people -especially fashion fetish, it is considered dictionary even as a bible too! So don’t “But” me!).

Scanning through Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Cleo and some gossip tabloids :p (well, it is called research!)
[Kate Moss]
Pick subject headings:
Kate’s Fashion
Kate’s Lifestyle
Kate’s Love Life
Kate’s Diet Menu
Kate’s (latest) Topshop collection

There you go, without even having to put too much effort, you would find plenty of ‘Kate Moss’ – from ‘fashion definition’ to the latest scandal for at least 2 pages on every magazines and tabloids. And to be honest I am not so surprised, since she has been in almost 300 magazines cover (and I do think she is not planning to stop yet).

Most people know Kate Moss as today’s hot fashion guru*slash*most wanted headlines*slash*stylist and sexiest mum*slash*rock and roll lifestyle (please bear the fact that this includes the not-so-exist- but-he-is-anyway - Pete Doherty). It seems like girls around the globe (I am just assuming, since I haven’t really meet those girls :p) worship and want to be just like Kate Moss. She started the whole-skinny jeans and ballet flats thing (which I don’t mind the ballet flats, they’re cute! but Omigod those skinny jeans are hard work!), then followed by leather jacket and ankle boots and many more…To make things even bizarre, most girls around the world gone crazy and copy her on the next morning! Now, with the fact that she will be designing a new collection for Topshop, I just can imagine how CRAZEY the opening edition would be (screaming girls “you biatch I saw it first!” –yeah I know, we girls can be extremely absurd). I read a newspaper article on this latest Kate Moss-Fashion-Conquer-Hit, the collection will be available on May 1st (not yet world wide though). But those who are dying to know can get a peek of the fashion range on UK Vogue April Edition (gila mau ngintip aja bisa sampe berasa mau mati…).

What makes her so interesting though? Is it because whatever she wears, it looks too damn GOOD? Is it because she was claimed to be the anti-supermodel icon in the 1990s (so long Cindy Crawford!)? Is it because of her way too cool attitude, even when the whole world busted her cocaine scandal, she still can do the I- ‘aint- nobody’s-shit-cat walking? I did mention that I am not surprised about her fame (i think she does have that great talent in making a fashion trend,though I still don’t get it why is she still sticking around with that Pete dude). I still wonder…why so many girls are becoming “Kate Moss-ssss” (a word I use to describe that there are too many Kate Moss around). I do think it is not only about her fashion taste or personality (although it begins to annoy me when people wear ankle boots and they even cant walk in it, damn they should get a walking stick instead!). I suppose people on every generation need to have an icon, someone to look up to (because some of us simply have no clue about what is a wardrobe-malfunction). For instance, Audrey Hepburn or Twiggy was a fashion icon (though nowadays people seem to go back to the old days for fashion reference…geez, talk about some identity crisis). Maybe some girls and women now are looking up to Kate Moss (or some want to be her twins instead :p).

Whatever the reason is, I could not care less. However, I think the term “don’t worry, just be yourself” in fashion department is almost fading away or simply full of shit (oh c’mon am I being too cynical?). Nope, just look around you…there are “Kate Moss-ssss” all over the place…which one are the “yourself” you? Let it be then, it is better looking at my mum’s not-so-fashionable- taste. It is too simple yet it kinda ease my eyes..(muach muach luv u Bu!)

Year 2025
Scanning through Oxford dictionary 80th edition
[Kate Moss]
Not Fou….oh wait…
FASHION [extreme] ICON

It could be possible..


22 March 2007

Friends Fureva?

Apa sih yang mendefinisikan persabahatan?

Gue sendiri bingung kalau harus ngejabarin definisi dari persahabatan. Kalau dipikir-pikir pas kita masih kecil, ‘sahabatan’ atau ‘temenan’ adalah konsep yang simpel, malah cederung sangat sederhana. Kalau mau diinget-inget konsep ‘sahabatan’ bisa dimulai dari main permainan yang sama sampe janjian pake baju kembaran (I know now it sounds corny, but I am sure everybody have once experienced it). Kita suka main gundu, sahabat kita juga main gundu (waaaah gunduuuuu!!!!! :D), sahabat kita punya kaos inisial Superman, kita tergoda ikutan beli sampe soal curhat pacar baru (atau putus dari pacar ☺) bisa berjam-jam (dan bikin tagihan telpon bengkak seada-adanya). Beberapa hal tersebut (kayaknya) bisa menggambarkan sebuah persahabatan yang ideal – enggak lupa dengan berkoar-koar slogan “Friends Forever!”.

Tapi konsep ini berubah seiring dengan waktu yang juga ikut ngerubah orang. Tadinya gue yakin banget kalau gak ada yang bisa merubah ikatan persahabatan. Pacaran boleh berantakan, tapi persahabatan bakalan terus bertahan. Mau nangis darah karena putus sama pacar, ujian gagal total, skripsi gak kelar-kelar, ketahuan selingkuh, atau dipecat dari kerjaan – pasti sahabat bisa jadi ‘tempat pelarian’ yang bakalan siap sedia buat dengerin curahan dan luapan perasaan (yang bertubi-tubi dan kadang gak tau diri). Gue yakin banget sama konsep kalau persahabatan yang solid dan sejati gak bakalan bisa mati karena apapun. Kalaupun ada slack…still it can be solved…Ya… gak bisa mati karena apapun…

Semua pemikiran dan keteguhan itu mulai berubah pada saat gue sadar kalau persahabatan juga bisa ada diujung tebing – yang tinggal dicolek dan jatuh babak belur. Persahabatan bisa mati karena persahabatan itu sendiri (bingung kan loe?). Let me further explain (tanpa ada maksud sok tau atau mengguruin ya sodara-sodara ☺), pada saat kita yakin sama pola pertemanan dan persahabatan kita, biasanya kita udah ada dalam zona nyaman. Beberapa orang mungkin berpendapat kalau zona nyaman itu dah pualing top, karena hati dan pikiran juga udah dalam kondisi ternyaman sama keadaan yang bersangkutan. True? Not entirely…what some people may forget is that when they are within their comfort zone, they most likely justify whatever happens in their friendship – in short, in DENIALS. To add to the confusion (because I am pretty sure, I am getting people more confused here :D) sometimes we are so stuck within that comfort zone, we (pretend to) avoid things that might jeopardize our friendship. Agh no! first the sweet belief, then the comfort zone, then being in denials and now stuck in those (aha!welcome to the real world!).

So, having to read this so far you might:
1.Getting too confused and decided to stop reading,
2.Still confused but out of curiosity or full of pity, decided to hang on reading a little while,
3.F*@K IT! This is getting nowhere (yeah I know it is similar with number 1 but in a more aggressive way),
4.You sort of nodding and might be agreeing with me and continue reading,
5.You are agreeing and sick of me making this options….(LOL!)

And then, come the moment when you are tired of compromising, tired of being supportive, tired of avoiding problems, tired of living in ‘old friendship forever moments’, because you simply realized you are not being true all along. Gue bukan mau meragukan konsep “Friendship Forever”, tapi kadang kita jadi lupa ama “diri kita sendiri” dan lebih mau jadi “orang yang bisa bikin persahabatan ini sempurna dan terus sempurna”. Well, I hate to break it down to you (again probably in the most typical way) NOBODY’S PERFECT!

Kenapa sih kok gue terkesan terlalu sinis sama pola persahabatan? Sebenernya, semua terjadi kayak alarm bangun pagi buat gue. Suatu hari (dikala kita duduk ditepi pantai.STOP!jayus!) gue baca artikel tentang tanda-tanda bahaya yang nunjukkin kalo persahabatn lo mulai BASI. Ada beberapa tanda, tapi gue gak perlu sampe baca ke tanda nomer dua, gue langsung tahu persahabatan gue emang udah basi..Kok bisa baru sadar? karena ya itu tadi., gue terlalu lama stuck dalam comfort zone jadi kerjanya nyangkal terus. Apakah tanda bahaya yang gue baca itu? Baca baik-baik siapa tahu lo juga lagi ngalamin ini: “Your friendship is in danger when all you do is just reminiscing back to the old GLORY days.” Gak ada pembahasan soal situasi sekarang, gak ada argumen, gak ada curhat soal percintaan, gak ada obrolan soal ketakutan…semuaaaanya cuma mengenang2 masa ‘kejayaan’ persahabatan lo. Pas gue pikir-pikir, bener juga ya…berarti sahabat gue juga mungkin stuck dalam comfort zone yang sama dan juga gak nyadar. Time to re-evaluate!

It was definitely a wake up call, though at first I tried to deny it but now I am learning to accept it. Emang sih kalau mau memperbaiki semuanya berarti harus mulai lagi dari awal (walo tanpa main gundu bareng ya)…pasti susah (mana udah terlanjur basi pula)..karena kalau gampang…ya ngapain juga gue nulis ini..hahahahahahha. Basi ya basi deh, sahabat lo gak mau ikutan ‘benerin persahabatan ini’ ya sabar (kecuali kalo bener2 dah ngelunjak ya…lets have a cat fight instead!kidding). Tapi namanya usaha kan gak boleh berhenti di langkah pertama, karena menurut gue yang ngejadiin hal sempurna itu, because there has been a bumpy ride. Nonetheless, if you don’t wanna fix it then live with it!You don’t wanna live with it…then its YOUR BAD!!!-not mine…☺

-I believe when there is “Forever” there is always process, not “Forever.Full Stop” – dream on!