Ini cuma cerita, You may read it, You may not, yang pasti Aku cuma punya cerita

17 November 2006


what's up?
Cant sleep
though want to lay down and dream
what to do?
only observing the clock clicking
through distance and times
through new routines
new roads
new paths
will everything be the same
unanswered or simply 'no one knows the answer' kind of question

have i not be good?
have i not be thankful?
have i been forgetful?

Missing piece
missing hearts
missing you
wishing you
longing home

when things are beyond my reach
beyond my control

what's up?


The Bright Side of Sorrow?

Iya..iya..gue tahu gue dah kelaman gak update blog gue..pasti pada mikir kalo alesan gue "MALES"..but nope..not this time...

Something had happened..something that changed things i never imagine before... One of my cousins had a car accident..kejadiannya tanggal 30 October 2006 jam empat sore, sepupu gue mau dianter pulang sama temennya...tinggal beberapa meter nyampe rumah, a four wheel drive car hit the car.Her condition was so bad, that they needed to put her into coma. Pas gue denger beritanya gue gak percaya....gue gak MAU percaya...apalgi malem sebelumnya gue masih telpon2an sama dia. i lost my strength, i couldnt stand on my feet...ketakutan yang luar biasa kayak gerogotin badan gue, hati gue gak bisa nahan ledakan emosi yg juga gerogotin isi kepala gue. Semua rasa itu semakin hebat pas sempet ada yg ngabarin kalo sepupu gue gak bisa diselamatin...which turned out the news was wrong caused by misunderstanding. Semua rasa itu harus gue kontrol pas gue harus nenangin ibu dan adik2nya yang shock banget sama berita itu. My cousin got multiple injuries that require her to undergo several surgeries to save her life.Setiap detik dari operasi2 itu kayak nyayat urat nadi dan ngetes kesabaran gue.

Sekarang sepupu gue masih dirumah sakit setelah ngejalanin tiga operasi yang cukup serius.Keadaan dia membaik, perkembangannya berjalan baik sedikit demi sedikit..dia udah sadar, udah bisa komunikasi..she still has a long way to recover fully..tapi gue selalu berdoa dan ngedukukung dia...because i believe God has his own plan.Pas gue lagi nulis ini gue juga lagi ngeliatin Friendster account dia atas permitaan sepupu gue sendiri...

Gue terharu banget ngebaca testimonial and messages from her friends, wishing her well, nyemangatin dia biar cepet sembuh. So many people showed their concerns, love and attention,Yang gue yakin bisa nambahin semangat sepupu gue buat cepet sembuh.

Kadang gue gak percaya kalo ada kejadian kayak gini, makin gak percaya because she just turned 17 a couple of weeks before the accident happened.Tapi gue gak bisa gak percaya, karena kehidupan gue 2 minggu terakhir ini berhubungan dengan rumah sakit. Bokap Nyokap gue bilang ini cobaan buat keluarga besar gue...kejadian ini nyoba ingetin kita kalo things can happen beyond our control, beyond our expectation. Mau siap gak siap, enak gak enak, we eventually have to face it, deal with it...

Kejadian ini ngebuka mata gue, kalau rencana bisa berubah ditengah jalan...and seriously im learning a lot from it.Kalo kita bisa belajar dari kebahagian..gue percaya kesedihan pun punya sisi positif. naif ato klise ya kedengerannya? mungkin....tapi kdang lebih baik kedengeran klise daripada enggak sama sekali...because u only understand if uve experienced it.

Get well soon Yas...i know u'll be fine...